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Titulok: Nová databáza Lexi-PALS

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Nová databáza Lexi-PALS

V rámci databáz EBSCO na Slovensku bude databáza Clinical Pharmacology nahradená novou databázou Lexi-PALS.

Od 15. júna 2007 bude databáza Clinical Pharmacology nahradená novou databázou Lexi-PALS. Preto ak máte linku priamo na databázu Clinical Pharmacology, zmeňte si ju na Lexi-PALS. Pokiaľ máte túto databázu linkovanú ako súčasť databáz Health Source: Consumer Edition and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition nie je potrebné nič meniť.

We are pleased to announce plans to upgrade the following databases: Health Source: Consumer Edition and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Effective June 15, 2007, the Clinical Pharmacology drug content in these products will be replaced by Lexi-PALS drug content. This means that if you currently publish a link to access Clinical Pharmacology directly, that link should be removed before June 15th. If you do not link to Clinical Pharmacology individually, there is no need to make any changes to your configuration. EBSCO will automatically upgrade all customers who currently access Clinical Pharmacology content in its Health Source: Consumer Edition and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition databases, to the new Lexi-PALS content.

EBSCO Publishing has partnered with Lexi-Comp, providers of the Lexi-PALS Patient Advisory information, which covers over 1,000 generic medications, 100 natural products and 19 vaccines. Enhancing your medical database subscription(s) with the Lexi-PALS content allows us to maintain the integrity and consistency of our products. Among the key benefits users will enjoy are:

  • Increased currency, resulting from more frequent updates to Lexi-PALS information
  • A higher volume of qualified search results, due to the inclusion of EBSCO's abstracting & indexing functionality

A more streamlined presentation of drug information, making the user interface easier to use.


Mgr. Zuzana Halienová
Slovenská národná knižnica
Referát referenčných služieb
Koordinátorka databáz EBSCO na Slovensku
Nám. J. C. Hronského 1
036 01 Martin

tel./fax: 043/422 07 20
tel.:/ 043/ 413 12 67, kl. 440
e-mail: zuzana.halienova@snk.sk

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